The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2989527
Posted By: Don Firth
19-Sep-10 - 01:44 AM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
I just had a stroke of genius!!

You know how, when someone is standing on the seventh floor ledge of a building, a huge crowd will gather to see if they're going to jump?   And how people stop and gawk at an automobile accident? And if you knew in advance of the time and location of a massive train wreck, you could build a grandstand on both sides of the tracks and pack them with people?

How about THIS:

Let's get Conrad with his penny whistle and Wavey Davey with his "English flute" (German-made alto recorder) together for a joint concert!!!

A catastrophe like that is absolutely guaranteed to draw a huge crowd!

Of course, there are certain logistical problems that would have to be addressed. I'm sure the English would not be happy if Conrad went there, and we certainly don't want Wavey Davey over here. I might suggest that we have the concert in some remote location, such as an island in the South Pacific. And we can have the concert telecast world-wide over a pay television channel. We could make fortune for setting this up, along with paying both Conrad and Wavey Davey a fortune.

You know, somehow I don't think either of them would refuse the money. Wavey Davey could get himself a small island off the coast of England and set up his own empire, populating it with only people who are Pure English (?), forbidding immigration of anyone without the proper English pedigree.

And Conrad could easily afford to build a swimming pool in his back yard (after clearing away all the junk first) and fill it with beer!

I even thought of the perfect place to hold the concert. It's been used for this sort of pre-planned catastophic event before.

Bikini Atoll.

Is that brilliant, or what!??

Don Firth