The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2989713
Posted By: Stringsinger
19-Sep-10 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
When members of the Tea Party bring weapons to political events to try to intimidate
those who don't agree with them, this is a terrorist tactic.

The Tea Partiers will not allow those who disagree with them to speak at their rallies.
They will shout them down as they always do because they think they are the only
ones who are right.

Most of them are over sixty and white. They offer no solutions to the unemployment problems that we have and generally support the meaningless war in Afghanistan
and the absurd occupation of Iraq (which by the way is still occupied by American troops.)

Dick Armey and the Koch brothers support this ragtag bunch of hot heads because it is a political weapon to use against Obama who is vilified by ugly posters and lied about.
They say he is a Muslim and this is a lie. They also say he is Hitler and this is unjust.
The Tea Partiers have no real credibility of representing sensible people in the US and have gotten a lot of publicity because it makes titillating copy in place of real news.

They are very much the same ilk as the Brown Shirts of Nazi Germany, stirring up trouble and raging against the takeover of Liberals which are really non-existent. They have abused the Second Amendment of the Constitution to get their way through intimidation
and bullying tactics. There are very few black people there because they know that the Tea Party is basically a racist reactionary party.

The solution to the disease of the Tea Party is for sensible people to raise their objections which because most Americans have their head in the sand, they are unwilling to do.
John Stewart offers a legitimate appeal to "taking it down a notch" and allowing for sanity in a crazy period of American history.