The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2990887
Posted By: Stringsinger
21-Sep-10 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
The "reliable source" for Bobert's contention is the display of guns at political rallies.
This is analogous to junta mentality. Let's intimidate those who don't agree with us.

As to Democrats, they are running scared right now. When they find their courage, they
might become a viable Party again.

As to Republicans, they have nothing valuable to offer. Their rage is impotent.
Their lies are transparent but they don't care about that.

Christine O'Donnel and Sarah Palin have nothing valuable to offer to solve the important issues of today, unemployment, meaningless wars, and fiscal policies. They are symbols
of American insanity but at the root of their campaigns are the puppet-masters, the corporations that are financing them. This can be said for the Tea Party in general.

The problem is that just like in Nazi Germany, the public is casting about for someone to blame for their economic predicament. Liberals, Democrats, Peaceniks, etc. are an easy target and with weapons available, they are often literal targets.

Bill Maher may have a point. You are never going to eradicate terrorism. There will be crime and terrorism is one of them. Then again, if we can evolve beyond "fight and flight" we may have a chance of survival.