The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132198 Message #2990956
Posted By: Steve Gardham
21-Sep-10 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Subject: RE: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Earlier versions like 'The Wasp' and 'The Nottingham' don't have this verse but it's still possible to see its evolution through several other texts.
'Then who so should be master that quickly shall be tried' (London ship) (from Somerset version)
'If this had been mine own brother the battle should have been tried'
(Lion ship) (Terry's Sea Songs and Ballads 1890)
'Whichever shall be master the truth shall soon be tried' (London ship but mentions Nottingham) (Hants 1905)
'If it had been my own brother, this battle it would have been tried'
(Dolphin ship) (NE Scotland c1906)
'If it had not been for my own brother this battle would never've been tried' (Dolphin ship) (Suffolk 1910)