The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25440   Message #299250
Posted By: guinnesschik
17-Sep-00 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: More Personal Questions
Subject: RE: More Personal Questions
I finally got asked yesterday "So, what's your day job?" at a paid gig. It was rather strange and awkward. I very politely told the lady who asked. "This is it. I'm a musician. My other two jobs are part time." She seemed rather perplexed that anyone would want to do this.

I've only been indignant to strangers who've been rude about my hair color. We live in the year 2000. The punk movement is old. Tatts and piercings no longer get stared at or much commented upon. Why should strange hair color? It's temporary.

Himself, however, has asked me not to go purple again, as it really seems to be a jerk magnet. I once heard a mother tell her child, "Well, obviously, some people just don't have a real life and don't care how they look."

"Obvioulsy, some people need an anal stickectomy," I whispered to Himself, who had stopped to stare at the angry, uptight woman, dragging her poor little girl away from us, who only wanted to look at my "pretty purple hair."

Besides, I am extremely goofy; I have nothing to hide. Hear, hear Ely and Wavestar.