The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128217   Message #2992658
Posted By: Naemanson
23-Sep-10 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
Subject: RE: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
I have made a bit of a mistake. A long time ago I had a pickup and a dog that loved to ride in the back. I ran a chain across behind the cab and attached a short leash so she could just get her head around the cab and into the wind. She loved it. All I had to do was look at her and say, "Shauna, (head comes up) would you (pause for effect/dog gets up quivering with anticipation) like to (another pause) go for a ride in the truck? The last bit was delivered at a rapid pace. About half way through it she would run for the door and look at me as if to say, "Why do you always move so slowly?"

So, fast forward to 2010. I have a dog. Her name coincidentally is the same. I have a pickup. I have all the elements. I bought some chain.

What could go wrong? Shawna loves to ride in the truck. Whenever we take her out for a nature call she heads for the truck first. She begs to be put inside.

Well, I no longer live in a so-called temperate climate. These are the tropics with a tropical heat and tropical sunshine. The back of the pickup has a black Rhino lining. I burned myself on it when I installed the chain. The dog is black.

If I put her back there under the sunshine I could be prosecuted by the ASPCA if we had one on Guam. Sigh. Maybe after dark...