The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132304   Message #2993094
Posted By: Bobert
24-Sep-10 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wanna Buy the Farm? Bobert's Sellin'!
Subject: RE: BS: Wanna Buy the Farm? Bobert's Sellin'!
Well, Capt'n... GfinS is a tad on the peeved side these days with me but she'll get over it... Or won't... Nothin' I can do about it... Last week she said 'cuase I don't read music that the blues I play is "stupid noise"???

Yeah, Eb... Never a dull moment... If I had one I'd find somethin' to un-dull it...

Purdy uneventfull here... We've spent the last 3 weeks de-Bob 'n de-P-Vinin' it... Speakin' of dull... . No toys...No magazines... No junk... No clutter... In other words it's like house-lite...

Even the gardens are borin'... No hoses to trip over... No tools in then yard to find with the mower... No bags of mulch here and there or pots of this or that waiting to get planted...
