The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2993332
Posted By: Slag
25-Sep-10 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Amos, amigo, you are right about the fact the R's jumped up and immediately started trying to co-opt Tea-Party because what the folks were saying was that they are tired of the same old same old. Bush went right down the check list of the things to say to the conservative members of the R's and he was sure to add a lot of sincereity to the spiel. The fish took the bait and that was that. Tea-Partiers are looking for a more sincere bait.

But wait! They are also looking across the aisle for folk who perhaps tend to vote their way of thinking there also so don't be too quick to write this grassroots movement off. There may be something here for everybody.

One thing you have to admit though, they are NOT the homogeneous, monochromatic group, marching in lock-step that Bobert and some others make them out to be. I tend to see those on the left as being in that mind-set. But I was wrong about that! I am having a wonderful time watching the Obama show! You've got to admit that it is entertaing to see a "Unified" party with control of both houses of Congress and the Presidency fumble, fall over each other, bicker and fight and generally squander what may be the moment of a lifetime. And look at what they have wound up hanging their colective hat on: an unworkable, untenable health care initiative! Bravo!

Perhaps, if you are looking for REAL change in gu'ment check out the tea party for yourself. They are not closed to anyone and the debates are just as lively as anything here at the 'cat! Guns optional!