The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2993345
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
25-Sep-10 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
"The new paradigm being proposed is just too radical for comprehension by those defendant upon the status quo"

As I've said uplist, as a hippy bird who enjoys roughing it, I'm cool with fields and bonfires and home-brew. But your model is too badly thought out even for someone with my minimal expectations, and you keep repeating yourself rather than offering more serious suggestions.

Importantly, there must be *some* sanitary provision. I've done backpacking and yes, you can bury your poo if you're the only person around. But even trails get dodgy if they are well trodden. Several hundred people all shitting in the same field, even if everyone dug a hole, doesn't work. Particularly if they are pissed because they just don't bury it.

Here's one alternative model that does work. At hippy fests like this: Small World in Kent there is a strong community ethic. Volunteers build shit pits with surrounding wooden structures. The jobs that you can do at such events work for the people who go there, including the sick and the unemployed. Pete who is physically fit but bi-polar is able to build the stages, erect marquees or dig out the shit pits. It's good for him. Sylvia who is partly physically disabled make fairy wings with the kids in the creche or paint up the signs. It's good for her. Everyone works together and contributes what they can and this generates a great deal of warmth and camaraderie between volunteers. No-one is being abused. Result: people are happy and go back every year!

Although this model works. It only works for the type of people who are OK with that. And these types of groups are marginal in our society. They are people who already embrace an anti-capitalist, anti-consumerist/ecological, communal/semi-Marxist ethic and lifestyle (to what degree they are able). Most people in the Western world are not on this wavelength and will never be. So even following such an example, the groups of people wanting to join in that kind of experience will be very limited. Frankly your "radical" model as it stands, will attract even less interest from the wider community. And would never succeed in fulfilling your agenda.