The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2993390
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
25-Sep-10 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Thank you lemonade lady.

It is terrible to see pros tell us that the old pre industrial role of folk music is dead. They state that people have "evolved" - consult darwin they did not evolve they were just sold and bought a bill of goods from the pros.

Ordinary people are not good enough to make music. They need to hire someone who is. Simple. We can go back to the pre industrial role of folk music at any time. Right in your back garden. Thats how I do it.

It is pointless from the position of a professional who would be taken down a few pegs in relation to the wider folk world.

Factual evidence simple- with more access at all points there will be more people with access and more who can come to join in.

Wil you know that occasionally there are free events but you also know that this is not the overall norm for the industry or community it is a very small part. It needs to be a very large part.

Will- that it worked so well for you is a test- it will work all over the place so why not everywhere, all the time? Many on this thread have stated that the problem is that it will not work. We have also heard where it does work very very well and solves a big accessibility problem- self help festivals the way to go. Give the grant money back to the very poor, homeless and ill.

We need to demand that professional musicians be ok with that which will develop the folk world provide access save in active form the greatist number of songs etc. Yes. We need to tell them- stop the arbitrary limitations and arbitrary barriers. Stick to the side events-weddings, private events. Once the audience grows more will demand these in the long run but now pro musicians by and large are simply not doing what is best for the music.

It is a radical change but if the models work just fine cut the crap and join in the reforms.
