The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132343   Message #2993726
Posted By: Bobert
25-Sep-10 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Subject: Obit: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Well, okay... Seems that there ain't alot below the line these dayas so I figurated that folks is either busy, stoned, died or just bored with the threads that we do have, so...'s is yer opportunity to engage in any "thread drift" that happens to be on yer mind...

(Well, Boberdz... It ain't "drift" if their ain't no topic...")

Details, mah man, deatils...

So ya'll have at... This is like **freedom***...

(But, Boberdz... Ain' that like the "Mother of BS"???)

I donno??? Only go by there every othewr year to see if I can beat Amos to a big "..000" but he has a program that word on the street he paid over a grand to have that allows him to "snipe" them "..000" posts...

I mean, that's what I heard, mind you...
