The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132343   Message #2993731
Posted By: Bobert
25-Sep-10 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Subject: RE: Obit: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Well, okay... I'll get started...

Back around 1962 'er so I was in high school and got a part time job runnin' an "addressograph" machine at the Northern Virgina Sun on Wilson Blvd., in Arlington, Va....

There was the pizza joint kinda accross Wilson Blvd called Marios Pizza and a cool black guy, Joe, bakin' the pizzas and takin' the orders...

Well, Joe is still there doin' the same thing that he has done now for pushin' 50 years!!!

That is a ture story and if ya' don't belive it??? Go meet Joe fir yerself... And the pizza is good, too...
