The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132304   Message #2993750
Posted By: Bobert
25-Sep-10 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wanna Buy the Farm? Bobert's Sellin'!
Subject: RE: BS: Wanna Buy the Farm? Bobert's Sellin'!
Glad yer comin' east, Rap, 'cause we should be able to get a reliable pee sample from ya, son...

Ya' see, the way my Wes Ginny Slide Rule figurates it, ahhhh, lemme see??? Ahhhhhh??? Yeah, okay... The WGSR says that if ya' donate the farm yer gonna be, ahhhhh, homeless...

Hmmmmm??? Homeless??? Doesn't sound to warm & fuzzy at this stage of my life but, hey, ya' might wanta chack back with me in a few months... Ya' never know...
