The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132343   Message #2993755
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
25-Sep-10 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Subject: RE: Obit: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Exactly, don't look straight at what you're trying to see, look to the side slightly. The focus field of vision is odd, but that's the best way to see obscure things. Starlight can be enough to light your way. I worked a couple of winters out in the Sonoran Desert, way west of Kit Peak (where they complain about light pollution). We had the most amazing skies to study.

Bobert, I cooked myself some breaded okra tonight. First time for me. I have been growing it this year, mostly because my next door neighbor didn't have luck before and I wanted to try my green thumb, and I've given it all away. Is okra more deep south, or do you have it there in Virginia as well? It certainly needs a lot of tending - it grows so fast those pods get away from you quickly if you don't pick every 18 to 24 hours.