The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132343   Message #2993764
Posted By: catspaw49
25-Sep-10 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Subject: RE: Obit: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
I'm with a couple who are close friends of mine. We're maybe 24 or so and this evening we are getting tremendously stoned, considering our existence, etc. The evening light shades to night and the room, without artificial light, is very dark. Bill is on the floor, Ruthie curled in a chair, and I'm totally at ease, slouched in a soft, old, wingback chair. The stereo plays something of Vivaldi's. The darkness is soon total, our lamb dinner had been fantastic, the weed and the conversation could not have been finer and now only Vivaldi makes waves in the cool night air coming in the through the screen..............Can you see the scene?

Without any prior notice, a match flared briefly followed by a flatulent jet blast as a 2 foot flame rose from the floor and burned itself out about 3 foot up. It was a memorable moment with a fart to match the quality of the day.........I tell you all this as I was amazed at how brightly it lit the room.
