The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132343   Message #2993766
Posted By: Bobert
25-Sep-10 - 10:56 PM
Thread Name: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Subject: RE: Obit: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
I'm cuttin' close to a pound a day, Magz...

We like it sliced crosswise about 5/8s inch an the put in a bag with 2/3 cornmeal and 1/3 flour and then fry 'um in light kanola oil in a deep cast iron pan and...

... yummie... Beeen eaten lotta fried okra of late...

BTW, I snuck an extra dozen okra plants into the landscape... You know, like anuals... Heck getting nice bit outta them, too...


BTW, folks... I thought I had clicked on BS but looks as if I didn't... I have allreadt sent a request to have it fixed but it's Saturday night and they may all be tied up, drunk, stoned or all of the above...
