The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130660   Message #2993780
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Sep-10 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's DOJ plays race card (opinion thread)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's DOJ plays race card (opinion thread)
If this had happened during the Bush years, the left would be screaming bloody murder.

Look, lefties, shit happens during both party's administrations. Just because this one happened during your heyday, let's not add insult to injury. Let's not be defending 'stupid' on top of everything else that has happened, nor don't stop up your ears to shut the truth out! Let the chips fall where they may. If there were 'indiscretions' by one of your own, get rid of them, and try to have an 'honest' administration (choke, gag, choke)...well, at least have the appearance of one... I mean isn't that what they are trying to appear like, by covering it up??? Why not go for the 'REAL THING'??

I've seen the footage, as most of you...those punks should have, at least got a spanking.

Don't you think???

I personally think that any crooked stuff going on in, in any department, ESPECIALLY, the Department of 'Justice(?)' Should be uncovered, and the 'perpetrators' prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of (what remains) of the law!!!!