The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2993784
Posted By: Slag
26-Sep-10 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
I guess I missed the news cycle that included T-partiers with guns or advocating shootin' their perceived opposition. I guess I will have to start watching more TV (damn!). Never knew that just saying that you aren't happy with the status quo aligned you with so many down-right dangerous folks.

And Strings, nothing is like anything was... that's the nature of time. Does that preclude someone from alluding to some charateristics of things past? Like a tea party where we told the English crown that we are tired of his oppression? You sure sets some awfully high standards and hoops to jump through for your opposition, don'tcha?

Truth is these folks ( and they ARE folks, you know ) are just tired with the pat game both the left and the right play, especially when there isn't a dime's worth of difference between them. I mean Obama is looking more like Geo. Bush every day. "Change you can believe in!" In a pig's eye. But you all would never admit to it, would ya! Why aren't you all discussing his execution like you were doing about GW? or would that be racist? Huh? Your utter hypocracy makes me want to puke!

"Red is gray and yellow, white
yet we decide which is right
and, which IS delusion?"