The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25450   Message #299422
Posted By: sophocleese
17-Sep-00 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: Best Breakfast Cereal
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
Occasional practical joke (as practiced mostly by my brothers) in my house when I was growing up: when someone was having a pleasant relaxing hot bath suddenly slam the bathroom door open and dump a bucket of cold water on the bather. Results? A frustrated and furious victim unwilling to chase perpetrator through cold house wearing nothing but water therefore perpetrator gets away with it until he wants a bath, and one decent book is usually ruined by the bucket of cold water. Mom put her foot down, "No more cold water in other people's baths!" It was discovered that Shreddies, Shredded Wheat and/or dry dog food will also destroy a pleasant bathing experience but doesn't have the same damaging effect on a book. So for revenge purposes I'll go for Shreddies and Shredded Wheat, but for eating I mostly have crispy bacon and toast, sometimes fried bread.