The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132343   Message #2994292
Posted By: open mike
27-Sep-10 - 01:52 AM
Thread Name: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
Subject: RE: Open Topic Thread Here!!!
let's see---random responses to comments..
see international dark sky association..IDS...
and pix of night time map.they advocate shielded
lighting to prevent light pollution

The Ramses brand condom was named after Pharaoh Ramses, who fathered over 160 children

and no connection---

The last known "WILD" INDIAN was Ishi, who was found in Oroville, CA
in 1911. He was hungry and mourning the loss of his fellow tribe members, and family members. There have been several movies made of his life Ishi, last of his tribe. A book, Ishi in 2 worlds was written by Theodora Krober, the wife of the anthropologist who took Ishi to the Berkeley Museum where he showed how to make arrowheads, and other native crafts and culture. there is a petition drive to create a commemmorative stamp for him 100 years after he was discovered,