The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2994890
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
27-Sep-10 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Bobert, there are two ways of accumulating profit, one is to charge more money, therefore raising prices, right?.....and the other is to lower your overhead. This is done, be overhauling the efficiency of any given system. I think the government could come light years, in the dealing with our tax money, honestly, and efficiently, from the ills and irresponsibility accumulated by BOTH parties through the years, through their reckless disregard, of the well-being of their constituents!
Instead of rolling things BACK, both parties tend to 'play one 'upsmanship' on the party previously in power...which they feel they are ENTITLED to legislate MORE, expensive crap, because the 'other party' got such and such...and NOW its OUR turn!...Meanwhile, 'back at the homestead', we are stuck, compensating for shit passed, we didn't need in the first place!!!!.........We needed a war?????...We needed a badly flawed health care system??....We needed these gigantic 'bailouts'?....any body bailing out YOU???!!!??
Now, to pull this shit off,they have to
convince YOU, that this is in your best interest, and wouldn't you like to have it??...............NO!! Before THAT, I WANT HONEST government, and a removal of every obstacle, put by you morons(meaning, out of touch politicians)..and clean up your act!!
....and quit trying to ennoble those faults, you don't wish to correct....Get the hell out of Washington!!!...In fact, a group of you jerks should be 'doin' time'!!!..Both in government, and the crooked profiteers, who control some of our corporations!!!

Bobert, I think we're tugging at the same rope.
As soon as you hear these yokels, trying to sell us another stupid thing, who are they selling it for????? Us to have??...or for the profits of those who payed them off?

I don't want to hear about what interest they represent..I want them to represent me...the collective 'ME"....US!!...and whatever the majority of US TELL them that we want!..Not some joker, who tells us a bunch of poppycock, then changes his stripes once he/she is in office!
As far as the 'Baggers', who knows what they'll do, if elected...but one thing for damn sure, both sides of the aisle better wake up, to what the people are saying, Tea Potters, or NOT!

Wouldn't you agree?
The Dems are scared shitless, and the Republicans are trying to co-opt them..either way, the TWO parties, in Washington, DON'T like them!!!...and are being FORCED to listen!!..GOOD..because 'We the People' are tired of listening to bullshit politicians...and crooked ones at that!!

Oh well, enjoy a brew...