The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2995000
Posted By: Slag
28-Sep-10 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Ggfs, you nailed it in your 26 Sep 10:46 PM post and elsewhere. What I think is that there is a tunnel vision that developes on the part of some who can't seem to be able to accept that it is the majority of us that have problems with the current reigme. The so-called teas parties (plural, please note) are addressing actions that selectively target some of them and not others and yet again those from other social or economic situations are having other types of difficulties with other actions taken by this admistration. There is a reason the dissatisfaction with Obama is growing and his base is eroding. The biggest problem from my perspective is his trashing of the US Constitution, circumventing Congress (which isn't doing such a hot job either) and governing by decree (Executive Order is the "nice" language it's framed in) and it is looking about as close to a dictatorship as anything I've seen in American history, including the FDR years.

And then there's the out and out robbery through deficit spending. Never forget that he who holds the debit, owns the debitor! And on and on. Yup GW was doing the same thing and I agree with you. It's not about the D and the R.

If the US has learned anything this cycle, it is that NOT all "CHANGE" is neccessarily a good thing. Change for change's sake can take you in directions that are NOT beneficial to you or the country.

Choose your issue. You don't have to be white or black or chicano or any other race. If there are idiots who are trying to make race an issue or who are trying to submarine legitimate descension, to hell with them. If they stand out in the crowd, then they stand for themselves. And anyone who selectively focuses on these eight-balls and tries to paint the entire effort with that one color (ie. "racist") well then they are doing the same thing they accuse the racists of doing: They are stereo-typing a really diverse group of citizens who are attempting to draw attention to real grievences.