The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2995135
Posted By: Bobert
28-Sep-10 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
No, GfinS...

Neither you nor Slag gets it...

Sorry, but you both have reduced public policy to the emotional level and not the intellectual level... But then again both of you hav e yer ears tuned into the right wing... You are "emoting" nuthin' but pure, 100% right wing bullshit that has no bearing on the survivalbility, growth or making our country more competetive in the global economy...

But here is the rub... Here we have a commission on the deficits and one side, like Isreal putting down pre-conditions before they are willing to negotiate with the Palestians, ya'll righties (and quit denying it GfinS 'cuase you are clearly well on the right) want to do that before any discussion/negotiations can occur???

You and slag can deny it but it comes thru load and clear...

"Trashing the constituion", Slag??? That is pure 100% unaltered right wimged, Rushed, Becked bullshit...

Google up Iraq War if you wanta see some trashing of the constituion...

But here ya'll in yer little circle jerk of two thinking, like are righties, that if you sing in harmony that you points will have validity??? Kinda like the goons at the town meetings last summer...

But that doesn't make either of you correct... Just borish...

I mean, if ya'll ever get over yer emotionalism and want to discuss stuff from your knowledge bases rather than FOX pablum, then fine... All I read ffrom eitgher one of you is the latest talking points from the far right...
