The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2995533
Posted By: Tootler
28-Sep-10 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Your entire concept that some how people are genetically fixed with a music gene and it never can change is really really funny!

I'm at a loss to understand how you can deduce this from a couple of posts that make the perfectly reasonable point that different people have differing musical tastes.

Has it ever occurred to you that the role you are casting for folk music is one which folk musicians do not wish to take on. We are involved in folk music because it gives pleasure and speaks to us, but I do not wish it to become some kind of educational tool. That's the way to kill any interest in the music. I know of musicians who go into school, but they go to teach the children music (in its broadest sense) and they use folk music because it happens to be what they do and enjoy and they wish to share this with the children and hopefully enthuse them so they will want to take part in music for its own sake, not as some tool to teach History or English or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned it's much more important that kids develop an interest in music than they specifically wish to be involved in folk music. If you can get people wanting to sing and play and not just to be passive recipients of what the music business foists on them, then that's great. The musical genre they take an interest in is secondary. Of course I hope that some will develop an interest in folk music, but it's just as valuable if they develop an interest in classical music or jazz or rock. It's all music.