The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2995625
Posted By: Bobert
28-Sep-10 - 07:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Hey, I point out where I see right wing propaganda drippin' from folks posts... Obama wants world starvation??? I mean, lets get real here??? Obamacare??? Right winged propaganda being driven by tens upon millions of ver subtle advertising and allowin' a right wing propaganda machine to operate as if it were a legit "news station" under a FCC licnese... Fox should be booted off the public airwaves and be made to become a cable channel...

I mean, think about it... What if you wanted to buy a new Toyota and you were in the sales office and there in the room with you and the Toyota salesman was a Honda salesman telling you every step of the way that Toyotas suck... I mean, when we allow the ***publicly owned airwaves*** to be used as 100% propaganda then that is exactly what you have... No wonder so many people want the health care reform repealed... They have been bombarded from every which way from DAY 1 with propaganda... Lots of it purchased... Lot's of it FoxFree... But the outcome is still the same... And who has paid for this??? Health insurance companies put tens of millions in Dick Armie's lobbiest firm... Tens of millions (perhaps hundreds) were spent to do what the Honda salesamn was trying to do...

The problem here is that the rich can afford to smear anything that might redirect some of the wealth they have stolen from the middle class over the last 30 years... Where exactly does the middle class come up with those kinds of bucks to, or ownership of it's own FCC blessed propaganda network to fight back???

We4ll, I'll tell you where... They don't!!! The middle class doesn't have any clout and therefore ends up getting shafted every which way to Sunday... And look at the ads and look at the FOX propagnada... Who is it aimed at??? The less educated... The most emotional v. intellectual... I mean, eduacted people can see thru the smoke screen that Boss Hog sets up... The marginally educated do not have the critical thinking skills to know jack from jack and there fore become the folks that all the propaganda is aimed at and therefore you get sttements like:

"Obama has trashed the constitution"... This isn't information... This is propaganda... or...

"Obam wants mass starvation"... Again, anyone with the ability to think critically see thru this as a PR stunt to get the uneduacted lathered up against Obama...

So bottom line??? If one is using those kinds of falming generalizations then one most likely doesn't have the intellectual capacity to see thruth and takes the propaganda hook, line and sinker...

Yes, I was hard on George Bush but it wasn't because someone with a lot of money with an axe to grind used propaganda on me... No, like I said, we don't have too much of that on the left (George Soros being the exception but he's chump change compared to the $$$ on the right)... No, I was hard on George Bush because he stole and election, because he was fiscally irresponsible and because he started two wars that never should have been started... Them is some serious rteason to be hard on someone...

Going out and trying to improve our health care??? Trying to regulate mining and crooked bankers??? Where's the harm to the middle class??? There isn't any...
