The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #2995784
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Sep-10 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Bobert: ""Obama has trashed the constitution"... This isn't information... This is propaganda... or...
"Obam wants mass starvation"... Again, anyone with the ability to think critically see thru this as a PR stunt to get the uneduacted lathered up against Obama...
So bottom line??? If one is using those kinds of falming generalizations then one most likely doesn't have the intellectual capacity to see thruth and takes the propaganda hook, line and sinker..."

....and all the Democrats who supported and/or voted for Obama's agendas, are distancing themselves from the President....Why's that??

The Obama Administration, pushed most all of his agendas through, with the help of a majority, of Dems licking his boots...and now he is blaming Fox News, for his FAILED policies???? Fox didn't write or vote for those bills!...and now it's THEIR fault????

Obama runs up the biggest deficit, BIGGER than ALL Presidents before him, including Bush, and now its ALL Bush's fault?????

Talking about 'spinning', Bobert,(and probably Amos Lightfoot, as well), You have been spinning so hard and fast, it's quite obvious to us, that you're pretty fucking dizzy.

Slow down, and analyze this stuff a little clearer. You are not accomplishing ANYTHING by parroting the liberal EXCUSE machine, and thinking that YOU are not propagating propaganda, yourself!! Your rap, is so monotonous, and ill informed, AND out of step with most Americans, that you are becoming irrelevant !!! Jeez, I just skimmed your post, because the stuff you are saying, reflects DNC desperation blather points...and if there is a time, where VALID criticism, of the Republicunts, that would be useful, is NOW!...Not all these lame, finger pointing blame charges, that simply are not true!..nor constructive!..Just, shit like, "Don't blame me! I'm not responsible!.. Its Fox, or Bush, or 97% of all forest fires, are caused by trees!"

Just maybe, just maybe, is Obama, and the disappointment he brought with him. Stimulus??? Unemployment not going above 8.5%??
Here, I'll help you: "Well GfinS, it would have been 54% without it!"
Bullshit!.........."Well it was because of Bush"...only partially true...."Fox News fired everyone, across the's their fault" ..Bullshit! ...."It's the Tea Party, they did it!"...Bullshit! They are a re-action...."No No No, you don't get it...its that stupid bitch Sarah Palin! She made everyone turn against Obama!"....Bullshit...."No, No..It was Glenn Beck, who cast the deciding vote!"...Bullshit!

People were so over-hyped about the over-hyping of candidate Obama, and fell into the 'American Idol' mentality, instead of paying attention, that really, there was no where else to go but down!..Plus, the policies stink!...and employed bribes for votes, to get through....AND, DID NOT REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO IT WAS SUPPOSED TO SERVE!.......and now he has been found out. What did you expect???

Hey, the same thing is going to happen to the Republicunts, because of the over re-action momentum they are riding now.

As my Dad used to say, "There is nothing so permanent, as change...the pendulum swings from side to side...but the wheels of time, roll slow, but grind fine"
Wise man.