The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2995965
Posted By: Ruth Archer
29-Sep-10 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Conrad, answer me this: why is it okay for you to be begging for donations to help fund your "art" all over your website, while at the same time you abhor festivals and events that benefit from public subsidy? Are there no poor people in Washington or Maryland or wherever it is that you live? No unemployed? Would those people not benefit far more from the goodwill of philanthropic donors, and is that not a more urgent need than you being able to buy another rubber hand or garden gnome to stick on a car? So if it's okay for you, how come it isn't for other festivals and events?

I like the way you self-style yourself a "visionary artist". If I call myself the Lady Mayoress of Tunbridge Wells, does that make it true?