The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2996135
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
29-Sep-10 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!

15:34 | Wednesday September 29, 2010
By Robert Ashton

New Government figures suggest bands have more venues to showcase their talents after publishing statistics that show the number of licenced premises with provision to stage music has increased slightly over the last year to nearly 86,000 venues.

The DCMS National Statistics Bulletin on Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment Licensing states the number of outlets with live music was 85,900 in 2010, up 2% on the 84,500 premises in 2009.

However, the figures for England and Wales April 2009-March 2010, also suggest that the number of club premises with provision for putting on live music fell slightly by 1% making 96,700 live music licences in total.

However, the new report is careful to point out that the 1% increase in live music provision does not necessarily mean an increase in the amount of live music being put on.

The number of Temporary Event Notices, often used by small promoters to stage one off musical events, also increased: by 2% from 122,100 to 124, 400 by March 2010.

John King comments:
New Government, same old DCMS 'statistics'.

Last year's statistical bulletin was rightly described as "Alice in Wonderland" statistics by then shadow minister Ed Vaizey. Yet, here were are 12 months on - same report, same conclusion and the same basic errors.

Try this one for starters: The report shows that the number of premises licences has increased by 4,000 since last year. How can this be possible if scores of pubs are closing every week?

Clearly, the increase in premises licences (and live music licences) is caused by Local Authorities licensing public spaces (as they have been instructed to do by DCMS), and an ever increasing number of schools.

There is NO evidence to suggest that there are more performances of live music.