The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2996267
Posted By: Howard Jones
29-Sep-10 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
So not only are professional musicians not allowed to make a living, they, and people who organise events, must pay for it out of their own pocket. But not you, you won't pay for anything except beer (and as little as possible for that). You expect to get music for free, at other people's expense. You're just a freeloader.

It's only "investment" if you expect a return on your money - but according to your model that's not allowed, since we can't charge and everything must be free.

Conrad, have you heard of the concept of sustainability? Among other things, it includes doing things in a way which will ensure the future. If we followed your model we'd soon all be broke and folk music would be confined to a handful of people singing in their homes or bars - no more concerts, no more festivals. That seems to be what you want - an impoverished and uniform folk scene instead of the variety and diversity we enjoy today. And you wonder why we don't regard your ideas as progress?

You have a very utilitarian view of the world. Yes, a clunker of a car will get you from A to B, but a better quality car will get you there quicker, be more enjoyable to drive, probably be more economical and less polluting. Cheap beer will get you drunk as quickly as expensive beer, but good quality beer is a more enjoyable experience. A cheap instrument will make music, but a quality instrument will sound better, be more responsive, be more musical. A poor singer can sing a song, but a good singer will bring it to life. You care for none of this - for you the cheapest is always the best, and never mind the quality. I find that rather sad - you're missing out on some of the better things in life.