The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131699   Message #2996571
Posted By: GUEST
29-Sep-10 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Subject: RE: BS: The God Delusion 2010
Poster identified as Ebbie. -Joe Offer-

Now I am really confused. Where in the world did your children who are now in their 30s go to school? When I was a young'un, they had already dropped prayer and religious classes of any sort - on campus.

When I was in fifth grade, about 10 years old, - in a small rural school - they started a Bible study class at a local church basement. I don't know how many schoolmates attended but most of them went.   Those of us who did not attend - I was one of them - had study period in that same time period.

You go on to say that your children would have felt it was a very uncomfortable arrangement to be released from the worship.

Well, reared as I was, I was often set aside, because I wasn't like the others. The very worst was when my parents refused to give me a dime to donate to the American Red Cross fund drive. Their decision came about because it had been documented that the RC in some military units was charging soldiers for things that people had actually donated, but that didn't matter to me - I felt like everyone could tell that I hadn't donated- besides, everyone was wearing the little red and white buttons for their dime.

I stole a button as I went by the teacher's desk- and then was miserable. I couldn't wear it because "everyone" knew I hadn't donated. The next really bad thing was to replace the button in the box but I managed it. That was an awful day

I suppose that the reason that my grammar school years were mostly happy ones was because the 10 or 11 Amish kids in that school happened to be good students and were stars in the various ball games we played. None of us were allowed by our parents to attend out of town games so none of us were ever captains of the teams but at home, ah, we shone. :)

All that is pretty far afield of what you were saying but your last post made me like you a lot better. :)