The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132448 Message #2996740
Posted By: Lox
30-Sep-10 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Labour's new Miliband ... reactions ...
Subject: BS: Labours new Millibrand ... reactions ...
I note that despite the high profile nature of the subject of the Labour Party's new leader, none of us have been keen to start a discussion about it.
What are your views?
I can't help admitting that I'm a little disppointed.
I feel that David would have been a more inspiring leader than Ed, and in addition, I am disappointed that the MP's, MEP's and Party members didn't get who they chose.
I respect the reasons for Labours association with the unions, but in this instance it seems that it has backfired.
Then I think to myself - perhaps it is good that the Unions were there to ensure a victory of substance over style ...
Would David have been a continuation of the blair years - and his mistakes?
Does Ed have enough experience - should his more seasoned brother have had his knowledge of government and foreign affairs recognized?
My gut fears that David would have had a better chance of winning the next election ...