The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132448   Message #2997112
Posted By: Lox
30-Sep-10 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Labour's new Miliband ... reactions ...
Subject: RE: BS: Labours new Millibrand ... reactions ...
Well I'm this far -> <- from joining the labour party myself, as I am deepy offended and worried by the coalitions butchery of the country, and by the clear long term policy of punishing the poor for the mistakes of the rich, and then giving the rich massive tax cuts after a couple of years and doing nothing to reinvest in the poorest sections of society.

Vital resources are being pulled out from where they are most needed, and those who don't need it are being given fat incentives and will soon have their incomes boosted further.

This is a deliberate and cynical redistribution of wealth from poor to rich and I can't wait for the chance to stop it.