The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2997171
Posted By: Howard Jones
30-Sep-10 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
When you play at a venue that no one can afford but the wealthiest you arent doing enough.

When that happens, I might agree with you. Can you produce a single example of that? And don't try to tell me that a bar selling beer at $5 a pint is somewhere only the 'wealthiest' can afford.

No one believes you when you say that price is a barrier, because the prices of folk events are so low that no one can take your complaint seriously. Yes, there are people living in cardboard boxes who truly cannot afford to spend money on music, of any genre. However, these people are not typical and have special needs which are not limited to music. If you want to take folk music to them, do so in a targeted way and preferably as part of a programme which brings them practical help as well. It is not appropriate to base the entire structure of folk music around the circumstances of such people.

For anyone else, folk events are remarkably cheap. You can attend a full weekend festival for less than the price of ticket to a major football match or 2 hour rock concert - events that ordinary working-class people attend in their thousands. I cannot believe that for people not living in a cardboard box folk events are unaffordable. They may decide that they have other priorities - you have made no secret that your priorities are beer and food rather than music - but that is different from not being able to afford it.

As we've said throughout this thread, the reason no one agrees with your 'solutions' is that no one agrees that the 'barriers' you claim to have identified are real. Start producing evidence of these and we might start to take you seriously.