The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128217   Message #2997253
Posted By: Naemanson
30-Sep-10 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
Subject: RE: BS: Life in Guam, uh, Guahan.
I just got an email from the professor about my poem. She likes it. She wants me to read it when WeAreGuahan comes to talk to the school. WeAreGuahan is a group dedicated to self-determination for Guam. They say they are not an activist group but they do have activists in the group.

There are many issues on the island that constitute friction between the Federal government and Guam. On the surface all is well but...

As I have mentioned before the Japanese want the Marines gone from their main islands. They want it so bad that they are paying billions of dollars to cover the move. And where are they going? Guam.

Naturally some of the residents are upset at the idea. The military already has appropriated thousands of acres of Chamorro lands for its facilities. Now they are taking more. And some of those places are special.

WeAreGuahan is concentrating on an area called Pagat. It has a set of caves that have cave drawings in them. This area is near and dear to the hearts of many of the Chamorro. The Marines will use that are for a target range effectively denying its use to the indigenous people of the island. There have been rallies and protests but I don't think the military is paying any attention.

Anyway the professor has offered us extra credit if we attend some of the events coming up in the next few weeks. To quote her email:
List of Extra Credit Opportunities. For each opportunity, you'll be getting an e-mail from me. If you learn of other opportunities, don't hesitate to bring them before the class as possibilities.

We Are Guahan Rally for Pagat, F, October 1, 4:30 on.

Global Militarism: Global Peace? Film Series, one coming up on Th, Oct. 14 OR Th, Nov. 18.

Guam Humanities Council, Fino' Famalao'an: Women Speak, Th, Oct. 21

Other GHC events about this same time
Since my Masters classes might interfere with this class I probably should take advantage of the opportunity. The first Global Militarism event is a film about the Japanese protests against the USA Marine base buildup on Okinawa. The Maraines are leaving the main island but they are NOT leaving Japan. They are abandoning one base and building a replacement in another part of the island.