The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132448   Message #2997365
Posted By: Richard Bridge
01-Oct-10 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Labour's new Miliband ... reactions ...
Subject: RE: BS: Labours new Millibrand ... reactions ...
This was discussed on Question Time last night, the 30th September 2010. Amongst other things the conservatives and indistinguishable lib-dems there were quite firm that the facts that Ed was a Jewish atheist unmarried father and left of centre would not facilitate their attacks on the Labour Party and that the only thing that mattered was that he was left of centre, which of course they abhor.

The lunatic right (those named above) were taking comfort from the IMF approval of the Osborne cuts and despite a hint from a member of the audience no-one pointed out that the IMF were a bunch of bankers and capitalists so it was hardly surprising that the IMF were intensely satisfied about money being given to bankers and capitalists but taken from the working classes and those unable to work.