The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132502   Message #2998148
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
02-Oct-10 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Looking for a song sung byKeith Chandler
Subject: Looking for a song sung byKeith Chandler
Assuming Keith Chandler does not mind, I have had a song he collected in Eno (I think) banging around in my head, and all I can remember is it concerned a young lass whose parents wished her to marry a 'Dusty old Miller', she needless to say prefers Willie who rolls her close to the wall' and her mother tries to change her mind tempting the lass with the Millers 'Bacon and kitchen and Hall' The whole thing is held together by a belting tune, (firmly entrenched in my head)
Keith are you still out there and do you mind? I would love the lyrics.