The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2998566
Posted By: Teribus
03-Oct-10 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Take a look at Iraq between 1979 and 2009

Iraqi population 1979 - 12.8million people income per capita over $10,000 - Saddam came to power.

Iraqi population 1986 - 16.2million people income per capita $2,174 - Saddam's War with Iran. (In 7 years the population has increased by 26.5%, or by an average of 3.8% per year)

Iraqi population 1991 - 17.9million people income per capita $705 - Saddam's invasion of Kuwait. (In 5 years the population has increased by 9.5%, or by an average of 1.9% per year)

OK so tell us all where Saddam has been "leading" his country? All sweetness and light radiating from Baghdad, an Iraq where everyone has clean drinking water, everyone has electricity 24 hours a day. If you believe that you live in cloud-cuckoo-land. It was an Iraq in which incomes have shrunk over 90%, an Iraq that lives in terror, an Iraq in which no criticism is allowed on pain of death.

Iraqi population 1996 - 22million people income per capita $450 - Iraq under Saddam + UN sanctions. (In 5 years the population has increased by 22.9%, or by an average of 4.6% per year)

Iraqi population 2003 - 25.2million people income per capita $500 - Saddam Hussein and the Ba'athist Regime removed from power. (In 7 years the population has increased by 14.5%, or by an average of 2.1% per year)

Iraqi population 2009 - 31.2million people income per capita $2,108 - Result of "our near two decades of attacks and crippling sanctions" (In 6 years the population has increased by 22.6%, or by an average of 3.8% per year)

The figures above do not lie, now you tell me on the trends evidenced are things getting better or worse? Compare population figures between Iraq 1979 to 2009 and your own country. Has your country's population increased by 144% - I somehow doubt it.

USA 1979 225,055,000 - USA 2009 310,395,000 increase of 38% in 30 years

UK 1979 56,242,000 - UK 2009 61,126,832 increase of 8.7% in 30 years

Iraq 1979 12,800,000 - Iraq 2009 31,200,000 increase of 144% in 30 years. And this is the country where "estimates" proclaimed that 500,000 children under the age of 5 had died because of the effects of UN sanctions and the gullible swallowed it (An estimate is not the same thing at all as a recorded and documented death followed by a funeral). The country where "estimates" (batch sampled at that) proclaimed that between 1 and 1.2million people were killed in between March 2003 and November 2006. Yet for all this the population grew by 144% compared to the population of the place in 1979.

Yet it was in the period of UN sanctions and invasion that the greatest increases in population took place, rather odd don't you think?