The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5205   Message #29988
Posted By: Roger Himler
03-Jun-98 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Tony Rose
Subject: RE: Tony Rose
Doctor John

I was led aa month or two ago to the following site, (Maybe one day I'll learn how to imbed a URL so you can just click on the blue letters. I do have the little HTML instruction site bookmarked.)

They sell used CD's and LP's by mail. Despite their URL, they list many folk titles (folk is listed as a separate category).

I checked just now, and they list one Tony Rose LP, "Under the Greenwood Tree." They have two copies for sale. I do not know how often they update their list.

I used them once to purchase an obscure album. They ask collector's prices. It is not a bargain bin. I was pleased with their service.

Enjoy the music!!

Roger in Baltimore