The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132448   Message #2998885
Posted By: GUEST,alan whittle
03-Oct-10 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Labour's new Miliband ... reactions ...
Subject: RE: BS: Labour's new Miliband ... reactions ...
Ed Milliband is a Bastard

Ed Milliband is a bastard
We call him Ed the Red
And if he gets elected
You'll wish that you were dead.
He has bad breath and dandruff
His farts are loud and smelly
He is much more objectionable
Than he looks on telly
But you can read the sorry facts
Behind Ed's dismal tale
Its there with all the gossip
In tomorrow's Daily Mail

Ed Milliband is a stinker
lets stick to all the facts
He looks like he's a paedo
And he's bound to charge more tax
He'll give back all the loot Brave Maggie won
From all those nasty frogs
He'll build luxury homes and give out cash
To all the scrounging wogs
But more will be revealed my friends
Next week in The mail, you'll see
Moreover we will give away
A brand new DVD

Ed Milliband is a stinker
He's run by Moscow central
We should hang, draw and quarter him
And then burn his entrails
Theres rumours about his drinking
the parties and the drugs
And that isn't his real hair, you know
he has to wear a rug
We've seen the picture of Stalin
That every night he kisses
Not to mention the heroes graves
On which regularly pisses
But theres more revelations
so watch now without fail
All the front page news my friend
In next years Daily Mail.