The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132535   Message #2998997
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Oct-10 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bring back Red Barrel !!
Subject: RE: BS: Bring back Red Barrel !!
Can opener? Luxury! We had to go into my mate's dad's garage to find a bloody screwdriver to bash a hole (two holes were better) into the tin. Those seven-pint party cans were a miracle of nature. When you eventually managed to make a hole in it you got sprayed with "beer" (note the quotes), it was that lively. But pour some into a glass (or teacup if you were desperate) and it was immediately as flat as a w*tch's t*t. Amaxzing.

Anothger thiong about Red Barrel and its eq