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Thread #95096   Message #2999061
Posted By: GUEST,josep
03-Oct-10 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
////I never saw a UFO craft of any type. I am a skeptic, but dont rule out one could visit someday....likely looking very different from what folks claim they see.

But, in the 70's, while travelling in the dark early morning, with my girl friend of the time, from Utah-Montana northword to Alberta, we experiences an odd thing.

A ball of light (lookled like a whoite round ball of light) dodged around from the sourrinding fields to the front of my car for about two hours. It would come close....just in front of the car, then would suddenly move off to the sourrounding landscape, always visable to us. In fact, the light seemed to be teasing us, dodging near and far, as we looked at it directly, or looked away. Then, it just dissapeared.

We were not on any substance, and had not driven long hours, nor were we tired.

It was unidentified by us, but would not seem like anything like a craft that anyone could fit into. It was indeed puzzling to us, and to this very day. ////

It's military. Saw the same type of "craft" when I was 10 or 11. Just outside the AFB I grew up next to. It performed incredible maneuvers. It would go into steep dives and then pull up and rise straight up very fast and then hang motionless for a second and then go into that harrowing, plummeting dive again. It would do this 10 time or more without stopping. Then it would hang motionless like a bright star (it could also change intensities from dim to bright to extremely bright) for several minutes. Then it would start shuffling back and forth--not turning but simply reversing direction one way and then another sometimes slow and sometimes very fast. It would also appear to shoot out sparks for 10 or 15 seconds while it would hang motionless. And this was in the late 60s. We watched it a good four hours and then went inside and it was still up there zipping around. The Air Force never sent up anything to investigate and you can't tell me they didn't see it. They couldn't help but see it but they showed no interest whatsoever. My father, two brothers and two friends were all witnesses. We looked at it through my dad's spyglass and it looked the same as with the naked eye--just a white ball of light something like a bright planet but it was definitely not a weather trick. It was an artificial object whatever it was and it had to be something military because it was right outside an air force base.