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Thread #132448   Message #2999155
Posted By: akenaton
04-Oct-10 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Labour's new Miliband ... reactions ...
Subject: RE: BS: Labour's new Miliband ... reactions ...
Mr McGrath....An alarm clock?

They are attempting to reset a system which has failed and will continue to fail....unless you can come up with some means of stimulating growth in the economy?

Those who are to be most severely punished are the poorest, whos living standards are to be driven down.
The few who get jobs will be on the lowest pay rate possible.

Richard is correct the new system of employment/benefits will be unworkable...and they know it, but by that time their power will be much increased by the new legislation.

It is the duty of the left to defend the interests of the the horrible truth is that inside most lefties is a little conservative who keeps saying look after your own interests first!

As I said above, we all have a little to lose with the demise of this system.....a little bundle of stuff which keeps us just above the underclass.
That is why we see left hypocrisy and why a free and happy society will never evolve.