The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132437   Message #2999202
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Oct-10 - 06:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Subject: RE: BS: True Test of an Atheist
Anti-Christian, moi? Anti-theist? Never!

What I am anti is the way in which religion assumes the default position, quite unjustifiably. This is reflected in microcosm on this thread by two people already who pity me and have said they'll pray for me. Ha ha. Condescending, patronising claptrap. In the big world my BBC licence fee allows me to be bombarded by Songs Of Praise and pronouncements from The Archbishop of Wotsit (not to speak of Thought For The Day). My kids were forced to have religious worship and "R.E." lessons at school. My tax money goes to funding faith schools, just about the most backward institutions imaginable. Nah. I don't give a hoot which god you happen to support (I'm Liverpool FC as it happens though it pains me to admit to that at the moment) but just bloody keep him to yourself. Even Jesus told you to do that fer chrissake. As for Christian, if you think that being that is what makes you a goodie then allow me to introduce you to a few atheists who are among the nicest and most humanitarian people you'll ever meet. But carry on. Just shut up about it, that's all, and stop your chosen church from trying to force it on everyone else. And go and pray for yourselves. You need it more than I do. As for me, I'm an atheist. I have literally nothing to shut up about.