The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #131641   Message #2999501
Posted By: Howard Jones
04-Oct-10 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Subject: RE: The Concept of FREED Folkmusic
Folk music should be found in places that are at or below market price.

It mostly is. The overwhelming majority of folk events I've been to are in ordinary pubs and bars at ordinary prices. Up-market expensive venues won't touch folk music with a barge-pole. But what you really want is for it to be in places with rock-bottom prices, so you can get rat-arsed* for as little as possible.

As Will explained much earlier, the main priority for a folk venue is quite simply finding somewhere willing to have us. Some way after that, the quality of the beer is a consideration - real ale is mandatory. If it's cheap too, that's a bonus, but not a decider.

That way more people can afford to enjoy them. Obviously a cheaper venue is more affordable for everyone. However you've failed to persuade anyone that an additional cost of a few dollars or pounds over a night out is a barrier to anyone who is serious about the music - all they need to do is drink less. That's not being censorious about drinking, it's simple budgeting. Since you are not willing to reduce your levels of drinking and eating, the only possible conclusion is that you are not serious about the music - so why should we take you seriously?

*English expression. I'm sure you can work out what it means.