The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71908   Message #2999809
Posted By: GUEST,An old country music lover
05-Oct-10 - 02:11 AM
Thread Name: Sigma Guitars
Subject: RE: sigma guitars
I have 2 Sigma's. A DR 28H ser. 96531 purchased in 1980 as a campfire guitar, and a DM 12-5 ser:23257 which I traded for a fiddle in 1981. They both have exceptional tone but the DM12-5, which I play as a 6 string rather than 12 has the sweetest, richest, softest tone that brings goosebumps when you listen to it. These guitars have a beautiful vibrating sound unique only to themselves. I am also familiar with old Gibson (sort of like myself), Fender, and Martin, and although these old classics are great sounding and smooth to the feel and aged with time, sweat and possibly spilled beer, these two Sigma's aren't far behind.