The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132553   Message #2999864
Posted By: alanabit
05-Oct-10 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Actor Norman Wisdom (Oct 2010)
Subject: RE: Obit: Sir Norman Wisdom
"When I'm Cleaning Windows" is more frequently associated with George Formby, who died back in the early sixties.
I am sorry to hear of Norman Wisdom's passing, although he obviously had a good innings. Neither his films - nor indeed his act - were for everybody, but that need not diminish the man. He was more than a bit of a man. He had known a time of being homeless and then joined the army. He then became the army flyweight boxing champion and fought through the war.
His name came to my attention again a year or two ago, because apparently he spent some time in Spain. There is a group of ex-pat lads from Looe there, who have adopted my song "East Looe Boys" as their signature tune. Apparently, Sir Norman would appear for a pint from time to time and join in lustily. I am flattered, because he would have known some of the other very brave soldiers of the DCLI, who are celebrated in that song.
I hope his passing was painless and that his final days were peaceful. He was a man uf some substance and by no means the hapless twit of the films.