The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132561 Message #2999897
Posted By: gnomad
05-Oct-10 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Subject: RE: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Given how infested with rodents our towns are, and our predilection for slinging half-eaten takeaways and other food about the place, it is not really surprising that the foxes are thriving in towns. Having slightly fewer loose dogs about has doubtless also encouraged them.
I have no quarrel with their presence in towns, though if they could modify their defecatory habits it would be nice. As they become more used to humans, partly because we are living in the same places and partly as we humans are choosing to be less of a threat to foxes, there are likely to be more interactions between the species. Some of these interactions may not be peaceful, but foxes are not a pack animal so the threat is not large. Closing the odd door or two is a habit we should relearn; it saves energy and keeps out unwanted quadrupeds.
Foxes' natural home turf having been widely devastated (from their point of view) they are choosing to adapt and survive. Who can blame them?