The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132561   Message #3000134
Posted By: GUEST,mauvepink
05-Oct-10 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
Subject: RE: BS: Urban Fox - plague or delight?
I am always delighted to catch sight of them as they dash across roads or through hedgerows as I drive home at night or in the early hours. I dare say I would think different if I had a hen coup but even then it would be up to me to protect my hens.

Wilpredators have been slowly eradicated across Europe. The Fox does not seem malicious to man. I know they something go into overkill but generally they are harmless to us?

The ones that got into that child's bedroom was a rare incident. Far more worrying is leaving doors open so that human strangers can just walk in and do what they wish to the inhabitants of the house.

Foxes brighten some of my moments too on this planet
