The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132554   Message #3000165
Posted By: olddude
05-Oct-10 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Completely out of order?
Subject: RE: BS: Completely out of order?
I do agree with the church on their embryo stance but not in the act part. That to me is nonsense since the couple is obviously in love or why would they do that dah! People who are in love and want a child that bad and would go through all of that cost will most likely be wonderful parents.

I went to church on Sunday (Catholic) beautiful service, great priest. He talks about faith .. not about this world stuff. For me when they or anyone starts on the world stuff in church, I walk out. Cause I don't use any building or leader except the God I believe in.

Kind regards
I will leave it