Though it hasn't crossed the species barrier, a Scottish wildlife volunteer died of the disease after being bitten by a bat several years ago.
For Rafflesbear, I've a couple of stories of foxes in London; First, when the overhead wire test coach "MENTOR" was stabled in Ilford Train Depot, I was chatting to one of the production managers who mentioned the serious problem they were having with fleas and other insectoid vermin infesting the seat cushions in the depot stores. As he was telling me, I glimpsed a fox slunking round the depot about 50 to 70y away. Even at that range I could see the missing clumps of fur and general emaciated condition of the animal, suggestive of a severe mange infestation. Pointing to it, I suggested that was where the problem lay.
The second incident was on the T&H line from Barking to Gospel Oak doing a track recording run on the TRU. there is a section of line that runs in a cutting with the bottom of the cutting on both sides retained by a 3' concrete revetment. Travelling towards Gospel Oak (on the "Up" Line in railway parlance) I saw a fox in the Down Line cess struggling trying to get up the revetment. I sincerely hope that the next time I see an animal in that condition, I will have the means to put the poor bugger out of it's misery. The poor sod had lost more than half of it's fur, again probably due to mange, and was covered in scabbed and bleading sores. A .22 bullet through it's head would have been a kindness.
And for Dave Hanson's information, the parents of the children attacked by the fox actually disturbed it in their children's bedroom. It then ran off and, whilst they were calling for assistance, returned to the house to try and get back in again. That was when the picture was taken.
I am with Gnome in recognising that foxes are helping keep the rodent population down in our cities, particularly with the disgusting habits of some of my fellow humans in mind, but take slight issue on the matter of them not being pack animals.
There are several stories of them, presumably family groups, acting in concert to take lambs from sheep.